Issue 102


Issue 102

This issue comes to you from An Event Apart in Washington DC. Yesterday I spoke on CSS Grid Layout and other new layout methods, with a focus on creating components in order to make supporting older browsers easier. This issue also includes a blog post that I wrote last week on the theme of browser compatibility. Watch this space for some more tips and tricks in that regard.

On the subject of browsers, the updated Edge implementation is now on by default in Insider Preview. Looking forward to having across the board modern browser support for Grid!

Rachel Andrew, CSS Layout News

Microsoft Edge build 16237 changelog - Microsoft Edge Development

Updated Grid support now unflagged in Windows Insider Builds. Really looking forward to having across the board grid support.


Is it really safe to start using CSS Grid Layout?

My explanation of where we are with browser support, and why it is ok to start using Grid Layout (or any other new CSS technique).

Glue Cross-Browser Responsive Irregular Images with Sticky Tape | CSS-Tricks

A fun tutorial detailing an interesting image treatment - the site that this article takes inspiration from is also well worth a visit.

What's the Deal with Collapsible Margins?

A good explanation of margin collapsing.


Colors - Canva's Design Wiki

This is lovely, not CSS Layout but we can all use a nice way to explore colour choices.

Designing better tables for enterprise applications

Designing tables is always a challenge. There are some useful ideas and example patterns in this article.

Jon Aizlewood | Design systems don’t start with components

I'm a great fan of design systems and working in components - especially as a method of making browser testing and compatibility easier. This article is a good reminder however of how we need to remember the whole, when concentrating on the parts.

Vertical split screen design trend – UX Planet

Examples and thoughts on a the vertical split screen design trend.

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Learn CSS Layout today!

Let me teach you layout, and save yourself time with every site you build.

I've distilled my knowledge about CSS Layout into this training course. This course has something for you if you are new to CSS, have been using frameworks for a while and want to understand how they work, or have been doing this for a while but want to understand the newer layout methods. The course includes video tutorials, text explanations and all the starting points to follow along.

The full table of contents gives an overview of what you can learn - at your own pace. We also have a Slack community where you can ask questions about the course materials.