Issue 118


Issue 118

This issue comes to you from An Event Apart in San Francisco where yesterday I presented my new talk, Graduating to Grid. I will be taking this talk to AEA Denver and to the AEA shows in the first part of next year, perhaps I'll see you at one of them.

My 2017 conference season is winding down, with An Event Apart Denver in December being the final thing this year. I'd like to mention one conference I'll be at in January of next year. Experience Code in Vancouver, where I'll be running a full day CSS workshop and also giving a new presentation. It's an excellent line-up so grab a ticket while you still can.

Rachel Andrew, CSS Layout News

Samsung Internet v6.2 now Stable! – Samsung Internet Developers – Medium

Samsung Internet now has CSS Grid Layout support. You might not have heard of Samsung Internet, however it is an increasingly popular mobile browser, and it is fantastic to see it join the ranks of browsers with Grid support.

What's New In DevTools (Chrome 62)  |  Web  |  Google Developers

Chrome 62 is out and the DevTools include a Grid Highlighter. While nowhere near as useful as the excellent Grid Highlighter in Firefox, I'm glad to see this appear in the Chrome tools too.


Mark Boulton | Designing Grids | CSS Day 2017 on Vimeo

"We’ve been using the same 12 column grids on the web now for over a decade. What started with a few blog posts by an influential couple of design bloggers in 2006 found its way into new (at the time) CSS frameworks and that was that. However, there is way more to designing grids than choosing how many columns you want. Lucky for us, with Grid Layout, we have a powerful tool to realise those grids."

Fundamentals of Responsive Images | Lullabot

I was looking for some information to send someone about how to use responsive images, and found this article which is a great introduction.

My approach to using z-index – Hacker Noon

A breakdown of how to use z-index and a method of managing the stack using Sass or CSS Variables.

How to Build a Grid Inspector

A post about building a grid inspector using JavaScript, which demonstrates in simple form how things like the Firefox Grid Inspector work.


CSS Houdini Experiments · @iamvdo

Some experiments with CSS Houdini, will need flags enabled. See the Is Houdini ready yet? chart.

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Let me teach you layout, and save yourself time with every site you build.

I've distilled my knowledge about CSS Layout into this training course. This course has something for you if you are new to CSS, have been using frameworks for a while and want to understand how they work, or have been doing this for a while but want to understand the newer layout methods. The course includes video tutorials, text explanations and all the starting points to follow along.

The full table of contents gives an overview of what you can learn - at your own pace. We also have a Slack community where you can ask questions about the course materials.