Issue 162


Issue 162

I am back in the UK after trips to speak at An Event Apart Chicago, and Frontend Conf Zurich. It's the week the schools go back (in the UK at least) which also marks the anniversary of my business, I've been self-employed for 17 years this month! As we are heading "back to school" I've an offer on my Complete CSS Layout Online Workshop. Save $30 if you sign up this week - see the post at the end of this email for more details.

A varied collection of things this week, with browser news, plus CSS Shapes and Grid articles.

Rachel Andrew, CSS Layout News

Firefox 62 for developers - Mozilla | MDN

This week Firefox 62 will become the release version of Firefox, it contains a whole bunch of useful Developer Tools additions, plus CSS Shapes becomes a Firefox supported feature.


Take A New Look At CSS Shapes — Smashing Magazine

As we have Firefox support landing this week, I wrote about CSS Shapes for Smashing Magazine.

Super-Powered Grid Components with CSS Custom Properties | CSS-Tricks

An article about creating grid components using CSS Variables.

Unlocking the Power of CSS Grid Layout - video, slides and code

Last week I spoke at Frontend Conf Zurich and the video is already available, you'll find it along with my resources and code on this page.

Inclusive Components: The Book

I am a huge fan of the work Heydon Pickering does in explaining inclusive design through practical examples, and I've learned a lot from them. So I'm very happy to give a shoutout to Inclusive Components: The Book which is going to become a very useful reference for me.

Carousels on Mobile Devices

A research-based piece on using carousels on Mobile Devices. Information dense, but a lot of handy stuff in here.


Browser Contributor Day

Video from the Browser Contributor Day event. It's long, but there is lots in there if you are interested in the process of things getting into browsers.

Our Sponsor

Learn Flexbox, Grid, CSS Shapes and more - special offer through September 8th!

Save $30 when you sign up for the complete course before the end of September 8th!

With new lessons and updates for 2018, I've distilled my knowledge about CSS Layout into this training course. This course has something for you if you are new to CSS, have been using frameworks for a while and want to understand how they work, or have been doing this for a while but want to understand the newer layout methods. The course includes video tutorials, text explanations and all the starting points to follow along.

The full table of contents gives an overview of what you can learn - at your own pace. We also have a Slack community where you can ask questions about the course materials.