Issue 192


Issue 192

I'm writing this in Newcastle. I was born and brought up in Newcastle, though have spent more than half my life down South at this point. It is strange how my feet know exactly where everything is, despite the fact that almost every store and many familiar landmarks have changed. I'll be speaking at the Frontend NE conference tomorrow, on CSS Grid and subgrid among other things.

After that a quick hop to Quebec City for a W3C meeting, then San Francisco for Smashing Conf. Come and say hello if you read this and are in any of those places.

Rachel Andrew, CSS Layout News


How To Align Things In CSS — Smashing Magazine

If you have ever been confused about when to align- and when to justify-, or wondered by there is no justify-self in Flexbox, I wrote an article for you.

Implementing a pin-to-bottom scrolling element with only CSS

Firefox recently shipped scroll anchoring, which is also in Chrome. In most cases scroll anchoring will just happen, it won't be something you need to think about. However here is a neat trick that it enables.

How to create a dark\light mode switch in CSS and Javascript | CodyHouse

People seem to love dark themes, others find white on black unreadable. So here is how to create a switch between light and dark mode.


Given that you are reading this, I'm going to make a guess that you quite enjoy curated email lists on CSS. Here is a new one, from my friend Andy Bell. If you enjoy this first issue, you can subscribe for more.


If you are trying to work out how much space is being distributed by flexbox this tool may help. It also nicely demonstrates the fact that flexbox is about distributing space, rather than making fixed or percentage width layouts.

Responsible JavaScript: Part I · An A List Apart Article

"If we’re still developing websites to look the same in every browser in 2019, we should reassess our development goals."

An excellent article, which touches on layout, and the use of JavaScript to attempt to polyfill web platform features.