Issue 217


Issue 217

I spent last week at W3C TPAC in Japan, a week of meetings and discussions, then flew back to make it to Edinburgh for Finch Front-End where I presented a new talk. It's a busy time of year! After a couple of days at home, I'll be heading to Amsterdam for View Source and Fronteers. I believe there are a couple of tickets left for my Fronteers workshop, which will most likely be my last in Europe this year.

No sponsor this week, I would love to have some support for producing and sending this newsletter which is increasingly expensive. Have a look at the available sponsorship slots and drop me a line.

Rachel Andrew, CSS Layout News

Moving Firefox to a faster 4-week release cycle - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

Firefox will be moving to a faster release cycle in 2020, reducing the cycle slowly from the current 7 week cycle.


Does it work? Using the new CSS Layout

Slides for a talk I gave for the first time at Finch Front-End, a lovely new event up in Edinburgh.

Table with Expando Rows | Adrian Roselli

An excellent deep dive into how to make a table with expanding rows accessible.

Smoother & sharper shadows with layered box-shadows | Tobias Ahlin

Adding multiple box shadows, increasing in offset and blur, in order to create a smoother shadow.

Smarter custom properties with Houdini’s new API  |

A write-up of the new Houdini API in Chrome 78, which will allow us to register the type of custom properties, for example registering a particular property as <color> to ensure a valid value for the manner in which you are using the property is used.

An Explanation of How the Intersection Observer Watches | CSS-Tricks

A fantastic article on Intersection Observer, going into great detail about how it works and also giving some use cases.