Issue 231


Issue 231

Happy New Year!

Here is the final CSS Layout News for 2019. I've just published a blog post rounding up my year, with links to a lot of my talks and articles.

With best wishes for a happy and healthy 2020, I'll see you on the other side.

Rachel Andrew, CSS Layout News


Helping Browsers Optimize With The CSS Contain Property — Smashing Magazine

An article about the CSS contain property, which helps to explain to browsers which parts of your layout are independent, however also comes with some side effects in terms of CSS layout.

Pixels vs. Relative Units in CSS: why it’s still a big deal - 24 Accessibility

24 Accessibility has been fantastic this year. Here is a great read about pixels vs relative units, which I will be no doubt sending to various people who ask me questions about this.

⚡️ Flash Grid: learn CSS Grid by building a grid system - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻

While it could be said that there is no need for a grid system when using grid, grid systems provide structure and consistency for everyone working on a project. This is an example using Sass to create a system based on CSS Grid that ensures consistency in layouts.

Building my bullet journal layout with CSS Grid & Subgrid & Flexbox

A lovely detailed post finishing with this thought,

"I want the biggest take away from this post to be about subgrid. Subgrid is incredibly powerful and will help improve building interesting layouts on the web. I can think of a number of instances where I want a layout to inherit the parent grid’s setup and subgrid will make that so much easier."

Accessible Design Tools

A post rounding up some useful tools for creating attractive but also accessible interfaces.

Right-to-left Styling

I've not had chance to really dig into this but from the few parts I have read this seems to be an amazingly comprehensive guide to RTL styling with CSS.

Move Fast & Don’t Break Things | Filament Group, Inc.

An annotated transcript of Scott Jehl's 2019 conference talk, which is a wonderful walkthough of resilient web development.

What a Year of Learning and Teaching Accessibility Taught Me - 24 Accessibility

Also on 24 Accessibility this year, Sara outlines what a year of learning and teaching accessibility has taught her. A practical read.