Issue 258


Issue 258

Another lockdown Tuesday, I miss going places and having conversations with people about CSS. Thankfully lots of folk are still thinking and writing about the subject, so I am able to bring you a roundup of the things I've seen this week.

I have also been editing and making more video live for my CSS Layout Online Course, adding the first half of Core Skills today once the caption files came back. I've got the other half of the Core Skills course to edit, and then I'm on the final stretch. So if you want to get the earlybird discount take a look and use code EARLYBIRD.

Rachel Andrew, CSS Layout News


CSS News July 2020 — Smashing Magazine

A round-up of some of the interesting CSS features coming into browsers at the moment.

A tutorial that uses subgrid to achieve a design pattern that would be difficult to do otherwise.

10 modern layouts in 1 line of CSS - YouTube

Una shows how much can be described in CSS Layout with a single line of code.

Smashing Podcast Episode 19 With Andy Bell: What Is CUBE CSS? — Smashing Magazine

In this episode of the Smashing Podcast Andy Bell talks about his CUBE CSS methodology.

Accordion Rows in CSS Grid – Eric’s Archived Thoughts

An explanation of how Eric is using CSS Grid rows in his design for more flexibility.


Adding prefers-contrast to Firefox - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

If you like to understand how things get into browsers here is a great look at how the prefers-contrast media query was added to Firefox.