Issue 288


Issue 288

While it has been almost a year since I got on an airplane to go speak to people, and it is looking unlikely that will be happening again soon, I'm happy to be working on some new talks for 2021. I will be speaking at axe-con, linked below, and also for An Event Apart. Watch this space for some more dates coming soon!

If you run a meetup or event, or would like a speaker for a (virtual) in-house event or workshop in your company, drop me a line. I'm well set-up at this point to deliver everything from a short talk to a full day of training, from my home office to yours.

Rachel Andrew, CSS Layout News

axe-con Digital Accessibility Conference | Deque

I'm going to be speaking about CSS Grid and content re-ordering at axe-con. It's free to register and there is a whole line up of interesting talks.

What's New In DevTools (Chrome 89)  |  Web  |  Google Developers

Some nice looking tools are being added to Chrome DevTools for flexbox. It's currently an experiment, but you can take a look by enabling it in Chrome.


How to avoid layout shifts caused by web fonts – Simon Hearne

A useful primer in avoiding layout shifts when using web fonts.

New aspect-ratio CSS property supported in Chromium, Safari Technology Preview, and Firefox Nightly

Una writes about the aspect-ratio property which has now shipped in Chrome, and is being implemented in Firefox and WebKit too!

No Jank CSS Stripes

A nice little tip - and a CSS Stripes generator

Bulletproof flag component

An exploration into using CSS Grid for a common site component.