Issue 31


Issue 31

A little late in the day due to timezones, as I am currently in Upstate NY. I spent last weekend in New York City, going through the CSS Grid Specification line by line. We came up with some suggestions for improvements, spotted typos and also learned a great deal about the spec. I feel as if I know this spec incredibly well at this point but by chatting with people as we worked through it I learned a lot too. I'll be sure to put the things I discovered into writing and examples in the coming weeks!

Next for me is Fluent in San Francisco and a two-day CSS Layout workshop. If you will be at Fluent come and say hello, I am also doing a talk on Thursday during the regular conference and have a "meet the speaker" table right after my talk at lunch, so you will know where to find me!

Rachel Andrew, CSS Layout News

CSS Flexible Box Layout Module Level 1

As of today the Flexible Box Module Level 1 is a W3C Candidate Recommendation.

"This document will remain a Candidate Recommendation at least until 1 September 2016 in order to ensure the opportunity for wide review. "

If you want to understand more about what the Candidate Recommendation or other draft statuses mean, take a look at the description in the W3C Process document.

CSS Snap Size Draft

Here is an Editor's Draft for a new CSS Module - CSS Snap Size. This module would help to create vertical rhythm in documents, aligning lines across columns or multiple blocks.


Responsive Web Design with Daniel Mall

A talk from Daniel Mall on Responsive Web Design.

Toolday Podcast on CSS Layout

Toolsday is a podcast covering tech tools, tips and tricks. The episode today is about layout.

6 Reasons to Start Using Flexbox

Quick read - 6 reasons to start using Flexbox.

The Flexbox Reading List: Techniques And Tools – Smashing Magazine

I've linked to a lot of these over the past few months but this is a handy compendium of Flexbox links put together by the nice folk at Smashing Magazine.


CodePen - Hexagon Grid

A CodePen by Tiffany Stoik demonstrating the use of clip-path to create a hexagon grid.

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The end of CSS Layout troubles?

If developing a layout seems to mostly consist of trial and error, or you are relying on a framework in order to make layouts that work, I have a course for you. Throughout this video course I'll explain the mysterious aspects of CSS, giving you a solid foundation to create the layouts you want.

Purchasing a course also gives you access to our private Slack Community, discuss the things you are learning or any problems you have with other people doing the course - and me!