Issue 43


Issue 43

This week I am writing from a cafe in Copenhagen. I am here very briefly for At The Frontend in fact I have to dash to the airport after my talk. I hate speaking and running but I was asked to do this event after agreeing to speak at the Talk Web Design Conference in London, so have to get myself to London for that. Talk Web Design is a free conference for students, and I'm very much looking forward to speaking to people who are right at the beginning of their careers.

After that I'll be back on the road and heading to Berlin to run a one day CSS Layout Workshop. It is definitely conference season!

Rachel Andrew, CSS Layout News

Web Directions Code 2016

I am very excited that I'll be heading down under in July and August to speak at Web Directions Code. The Web Directions conferences have an excellent reputation and we'll be doing the same show in Sydney and Melbourne. I'll be speaking about Grid, and Stephanie Sullivan will also be there speaking about Flexbox. In Melbourne I'll be doing a one day workshop on layout too, making the most of the epic trip from the UK!


Ryan Seddon–Houdini - Web Directions

If you've heard about Houdini, or even if you haven't but the idea of making your own CSS Properties is interesting to you, then take a look at this video introducing Houdini.

A Comprehensive Introduction to Grids in Web Design

An introduction to grids and grid theory, rather than a technical tutorial on how to create grids in CSS.

Using CSS's object-fit and object-position Properties

A handy tutorial explaining how to use the object-fit and object-position properties in CSS.

Flexbox WTF: Video from Forward 4 Web Summit

Learn everything you didn't know about Flexbox from developer, author, and speaker Estelle Weyl in her Keynote from Forward Web Summit.

Web Image Effects Performance Showdown – Smashing Magazine

A rundown of the different ways to do image effects on the web, comparing the performance of each.


eBay MIND Patterns

A book aiming to assist frontend developers in building accessible e-commerce websites and components, it contains working examples of many UI components. These aren't intended straight for production but give you a good base on which to add your own CSS and JavaScript.

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Learn Flexbox, Grid, Shapes and more

In this workshop I pass on everything I know about CSS Layout. My aim is to explain how the existing methods we have been using work, why they are limited and what they really are useful for. Then give you all of my knowledge about new layout methods - Shapes, Flexbox, Grid and more. You'll know when and how to use these methods now and in the future.