Issue 69


Issue 69

I'm in Singapore for, it's very humid and also very strange being GMT+8. Very much looking forward to talking about layout with the community here.

There are now over 5,500 people getting this newsletter - thank you for being one of them. I'm always on the lookout for new sponsors, there is an actual cost to sending this out plus the time taking to pull together the links each week so sponsors help to ensure that continues.

Rachel Andrew, CSS Layout News

Intent to ship: CSS Grid - Firefox

Hot on the heels of the Intent to Ship for Chrome, here is news of Firefox, they intend Grid to ship without needing a flag enabled in Firefox 52.

Note the discussion about subgrid here. I am very keen that we do get subgrid support for grid, the feature is marked as 'at risk' in the spec and no-one has yet implemented despite a revised version of subgrid being discussion earlier this year. If you have use cases that would be solved by subgrid, I'd be interested to see them in order that we can get a better idea of how this would be used in practice.

Update CSS Grid – Welcome to the Windows developer feedback site!

With Grid shipping in other browsers, we all need to do a serious stare in the direction of Microsoft. Grid Layout started with the early implementation in IE10, it would be great to see them update the implementation in Edge.

As serious stares don't translate too well to text based communication, I'd suggest going and voting on the matter at this link.

An Event Apart 2017

I'll be speaking at An Event Apart in 2017, along with a whole bunch of other lovely people. I've a code you can use to get $100 off any two or three day event in 2017. Use AEARADW when buying your ticket.


Style List Markers in CSS | CSS-Tricks

Using CSS counters to have control over styling list markers - a useful tip.

I totally forgot about print style sheets

A small collection of useful CSS techniques and a quick reminder that print style sheets are still a thing.

The Coming Revolution in Email Design · An A List Apart Article

Fantastic article about email design, which includes the line,

"Where once there was just darkness and Dreamweaver"


Unbox the Web!

"Rendering visual borders around each component of a website or app does a disservice to user experience. In most cases the styling isn’t needed, or less of it is needed to afford action."

Our Sponsor

Learn flexbox, Grid, Shapes and more

In this workshop I pass on everything I know about CSS Layout. My aim is to explain how the existing methods we have been using work, why they are limited and what they really are useful for. Then give you all of my knowledge about new layout methods - Shapes, Flexbox, Grid and more. You'll know when and how to use these methods now and in the future.