Issue 73


Issue 73

This is the last issue before Christmas so I'll take the opportunity to wish Happy Christmas to those of you who celebrate.

A little plug from me, I create a lot of free resources such as the videos linked later in this email, but I also need to pay the bills. One of the ways I do that is by running in-house and online CSS Workshops. For one more day I am running a sale on my CSS Layout Workshop. Save $20 off the price of the full workshop. I'm also scheduling in public and in-house workshops and a limited amount of consultancy for 2017. I'm particularly keen to work with companies who are transitioning to newer layout methods or those developing tools that use new layout methods such as CSS Grid.

And with that ... on with the links for this week.

Rachel Andrew, CSS Layout News

20 Years of CSS

On the 17th of December CSS turned 20 years old. This page details some notable landmarks in the life of CSS. I started developing websites in 1996 so I remember many of these things as part of my own history.

Resilient Web Design

Some holiday reading perhaps? Jeremy Keith has released his latest book, free and online.

Update CSS Grid – Welcome to the Windows developer feedback site!

A reminder to head over to the Microsoft Edge feedback site and vote for CSS Grid to be updated to match the current spec.


Free Learn Grid Layout video series - new videos

In the last week I have added four brand new videos to my ongoing series of CSS Grid video tutorials.

I hope you find these useful! I have a few more lined up as I complete my series of December learning Grid Layout posts.

Using CSS to animate border-radius Chris Ruppel

A nice wobbly borders effect.

Intro to the 8-Point Grid System – Built to Adapt – Medium

I'm not a designer, but my interest in layout for the web in a technical sense leads me to read up on grid systems and thinking. Here is an article with a clear explanation of the 8-Point Grid System.


Designing Imaginative Style Guides ◆ 24 ways

Andy Clarke writes about improving how style guides and pattern libraries look and how we might use them to better convey design direction.

Experiment: Using Picture Element and VW+VH units as a Lightbox

A simple lightbox using the picture element and Viewport Units.

Our Sponsor

The fast-track to learning CSS for layout

I've distilled everything I know about CSS layout into this online video-led workshop. From the basics of floats and positioning right through to new methods such as Flexbox, Grid and Shapes. Never be baffled by layout 'weirdness' again!