Issue 323

I'm late sending this out this week mostly due to the mess caused by working across two devices as I settle into my new role at Google. As a long-time freelancer, everything has always just been linked to my personal computer and accounts. Having a work computer means disentangling work and personal stuff. It's probably a good thing long-term to be able to close the lid on work, however getting everything where I need it to be might take a while!

This week I've also hopped onto the line-up for An Event Apart, which is happening next week. Use the code AEACSSL21 to save $100 on a multi-day pass.

Rachel Andrew


Safari Technology Preview 133

Loads of good stuff in this release including initial support for Cascade Layers, and the values for flexbox I describe in this post.


The CSS prefers-color-scheme user query and order of preference

A post explaining an unexpected behaviour that Sara encountered when opening a site using prefers-color-scheme through a app.

Understanding min-content, max-content, and fit-content in CSS

A long post with demos and use cases for these keyword values.

Using Modern Image Formats: AVIF and WebP

New image formats allow for high quality images at smaller filesizes. Find out more in this post.

Understanding Logical Focus Order

Via the CSS Weekly newsletter I found this excellent explanation of focus order.

Proposal for CSS @when

Chris with some notes about this new proposal.

Line length revisited

Taking a fresh look at the subject of optimal line-length for reading.

Our sponsor

Three days. No regrets. Join us online next week.

Our final event of 2021, An Event Apart Online Together: Fall Summit 2021, kicks off this Monday, October 11.

Spanning the spectrum from climate-conscious development to design beyond the screen, and from advanced CSS to inclusive design and development, this three-day online web design conference will give you deep insights into where we are now, and where we are going next.

In addition to fifteen sessions from the industry’s top experts, we’re excited to host “After Hours” conversations with content strategy expert Kristina Halvorson, and graphic design guru Mike Essl. There’s even a live, end-of-show wrap‑up session with An Event Apart co-founders Jeffrey Zeldman and Eric Meyer.

CSS Layout subscribers can save $100 off any multi-day pass with promo code: AEACSSL21

Don’t miss out — See the detailed three-day agenda and register now.