Issue 327

I got to speak at an actual in-person conference last week at State of the Browser. The team did a really good job of helping everyone stay safe, and it was so lovely to have an audience reaction during my talk! You can find my slides and resources here.

I really hope that next year will see a return to more events in-person. Keeping everything crossed for that!

Rachel Andrew


Everything announced at Chrome Dev Summit 2021

It's my first Chrome Dev Summit as a Googler, and I was happy that there was so much CSS content this year. Catch up with the recap video and explore all of the links from this article.


How I made Google's data grid scroll 10x faster with one line of CSS

The CSS contain property allows you to isolate an area of your page. This article is an excellent demonstration of how useful it can be.

Scroll-Linked Animations With the Web Animations API (WAAPI) and ScrollTimeline

An article demonstrating how to use the experimental scrollTimeline with the Web Animations API.

RenderingNG: The next-generation rendering architecture for Chrome

In a lot of my recent talks I've mentioned RenderingNG, mostly while explaining why subgrid isn't already in Chrome. Watch this video for a clear explanation of what RenderingNG is, and how it's making existing things better, and new things possible.


Layout patterns

A set of grab and go patterns for common layout components.