Issue 332

A whole bunch of actual CSS Layout News this week, with container queries and scope moving to FPWD in their respective specifications, and plenty of other things going on.

I'm also really excited about the UI Fund, and the potential that has to fund people doing cool things with CSS. I know from personal experience how hard it is to work on this stuff in your own time, so if you have something that you think might be a fit please do apply.

Rachel Andrew


Container Queries in a FPWD

In the CSS Working Group meeting this week, the specification that defines container queries became a First Public Working Draft. Good news indeed.

The UI Fund

A fund from Chrome offering grants to people working on CSS. That might include spec editing, accessibility work, creating tools, or demos. The scope of what might be funded is broad, so it's worth applying if you are working on something in this area.

Chrome Intent to Ship Cascade Layers

This is also in development in other browsers.

Fonts Knowledge

A very useful site with information about fonts, including a glossary of font terms and information about choosing fonts.


Where do you put spacing on design system components?

Some thoughts around spacing and vertical rhythm.


Polygon Shapes

Use the CSS Doodle tool to create different shapes using CSS clip-path.