Issue 1
Welcome to the very first issue of CSS Layout News!
The first issue of CSS Layout News
Thank you for being one of the first subscribers to this new publication. I'm Rachel Andrew, and I'll be sharing with you interesting links and news each week.
I'm going to try and balance brand new things from the week with the best learning material I've found for various aspects of CSS Layout. I hope that will provide something for every reader - whether you are just starting out or have been CSS-wrangling for years.
If you read or write something that you think would fit well here, drop me a line or let me know on Twitter. If you enjoy this newsletter I'd really appreciate your sharing it with your friends and networks.
Rachel Andrew, CSS Layout News
What's new in Chrome 44 and Opera 31 for web developers
Chromium includes a brand new implementation of multi-column layout, solving historic issues and bringing better support and cleaner code.
CSS Vendor Prefixes
There has been a lot of chatter about Vendor Prefixes over the past week. This post is a good summary of the history of the feature and why they have become such a problem.
Developer Resources : MSEdge Dev
The big news last week was that Windows 10 was released - bringing the Microsoft Edge browser to the desktop of regular users. Keep up to date with progress on Edge, access testing tools and vote for features using UserVoice on the website.
Zoe Mickley Gillenwater on Flexbox
In this video from the recent CSS Day Conference in Amsterdam Zoe demonstrates how you can use Flexbox while still supporting older browsers. This is especially worth a watch if you believe you can't take advantage of newer techniques because you still see a lot of old browsers in your logs.
What The FlexBox?!
A simple 20 video course that will help you master CSS Flexbox.
Constructing CSS Quantity Queries On The Fly
A short and very useful article on Smashing Magazine on quantity queries - counting the number of sibling items and applying styles based on different numbers of items. You'll find plenty of uses for this technique.
Understanding Reference Boxes for CSS Shapes
This article from 2014 is still my go-to tutorial on reference boxes for CSS Shapes.
Google Chrome Samples
A repo of sample code tied to new functionality in Google Chrome releases. Not just layout things here, and useful if you like to play with or write articles about new features.
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