Issue 12
Accessibility, RTL websites, diamond grid and a CSS Tricks flexbox office hours if you are quick!
Issue 12
A few interesting links this week, although I've spent so much time disconnected while in airplanes I've not had quite as much pass my radar!
If you spot or build anything relevant to CSS Layout please do send it over. I'm especially interested in hearing from anyone writing and testing modern web layout accessibility - take a look at the link regard tab order. I'd love to see more demos and best practices being discussed.
CSS Layout News
Office Hours | CSS-Tricks
The next CSS Tricks Office Hours is a Flexbox 101, it takes place tomorrow October 21st. They have lots of other good topics coming up too.
Diamond grid layout with Sass
A fun walkthrough of an experiment to create a diamond grid layout using CSS.
Using Responsive Images (Now) · An A List Apart Article
A post detailing how to get started using responsive images in ways that will work today.
Building RTL-Aware Web Apps & Websites: Part 1
On The Mozilla Hacks Blog a post discussing building RTL-Aware sites. The second part of this post is also now available which goes into more detail.
Flexbox tabbing order and accessibility concerns
Something that came up in my recent workshops and talks is the potential of accessibility issues when we can reorder elements so powerfully in our new layout methods. It's something I intend to start doing some research into but here is a tweet with linked gifs and an example of how current browsers implement this differently.
I'm no accessibility guru, more someone who wants to do the right thing. It seems clear that we will have lot to learn in terms of how our new layout methods could help and hinder the accessibility of our sites.
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