Issue 133
Video from Smashing Conf and, designing with CSS Grid, and a history of web layout
Issue 133
Conference season is already underway, and this week I've a whole bunch of video from Smashing Conf London and JSConf.Asia. Grid Layout, Blend Modes, and how typography can inspire layout. I love the fact that both of these events have shared their video so quickly.
I also ran my first workshop of the year at Smashing Conf London, and had a nice day teaching new layout. I'll be running that again at other Smashing Conferences this year, including Smashing Conf San Francisco. See the sponsor post at the bottom of these email for details, as Smashing Conf have kindly sponsored the email this week.
Rachel Andrew, CSS Layout News
Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 49 | WebKit
Various layout bits in the release notes for Safari Technology Preview 49, including percentage column-gap
in multicol.
SmashingConf London 2018 - Into The Weeds of CSS Grid Layout
The Smashing Conference video is already available, just days after the conference. Here is my talk on lots of CSS Grid Layout detail.
How I design with CSS grid
"But to be honest, I’ve found myself using a pencil and paper to sketch out my grids a lot more since I’ve started designing and building with CSS grid. The grid syntax itself is very visual in nature and I always highlight this fact when I’m teaching Grid."
A lovely post about how Hui Jing designs using CSS Grid Layout.
Chen Hui Jing: When East Meets West: Web Typography And How It Can Inspire ... - JSConf.Asia 2018 - YouTube
Chen Hui Jing speaks about the history of Eastern and Western typography and how it can inspire new layout. A fascinating talk, especially if you have had little exposure to non-Western typography.
Taking A Look At The State Of Progressive Images And User Perception — Smashing Magazine
In this post José Manuel Pérez looks at progressive image loading, thinking about how users actually perceive page load speed when these techniques are used.
Una Kravets: CSS Blend Modes, Because ... - JSConf.Asia 2018 - YouTube
A lovely talk on CSS Blend Modes from Una Kravets, including information on browser support and case studies for using Blend Modes.
Direction Aware Hover Effects | CSS-Tricks
Some nice ideas for creating "direction-aware" effects.
Basics of CSS Grid: The Big Picture - YouTube
A video introducing the overall big picture of CSS Grid, another in the excellent Layout Land series by Jen Simmons.
The (Mostly) Complete History of Layout on the Web Part 1: Liquid Cool - The History of the Web
If you remember when we designers you to argue about liquid vs fixed width designs then you might like this article on The History of the Web.
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“Coming to Smashing Conferences fundamentally changed how I develop websites.”
— Ryan Chittenden, Director of Web Development, Fuego Digital Media
With our third SmashingConf San Francisco, taking place on April 17 & 18, we want to explore strategies for making outstanding, fast experiences, and what we all need to know today, to be more productive and make smarter decisions tomorrow.
Register for three days and save $100 off the cost of registering separately for the conference and the workshop. Check the speakers →
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