Issue 159
Alignment in Flexbox, progressive enhancement, browser painting.
Issue 159
This week we have another post in my Flexbox series, plus a couple of articles which deal with the ever-present issue of whether websites need to look the same in all browsers (spoiler: no) and how to do progressive enhancement in a modern way.
I tweeted yesterday about the fact I appear to be scheduling 2019 already. Every year I get lovely invites to do events ... a few weeks before the event takes place. So if you would be interested in me coming to run a workshop, or to speak at your conference, now is a very good time to ask!
A big thank you to An Event Apart for sponsoring this week! Come and see me, plus a whole bunch of incredible speakers in Chicago, Orlando or San Francisco this year.
Rachel Andrew, CSS Layout News
Everything You Need To Know About Alignment In Flexbox — Smashing Magazine
The second part of my series for Smashing Magazine on Flexbox, this time covering alignment.
Browser painting and considerations for web performance | CSS-Tricks
A nice article about performance issues caused by triggering browser painting, and how to avoid causing repaints.
Sticky, Smooth, Active Nav | CSS-Tricks
Here is a handy technique, and a free template that includes the code, for a sticky and smooth scrolling navigation menu.
Element Hiding Techniques in CSS - Pine
An explanation of the different ways that you can hide content using CSS.
Let's serve everyone good-looking content
Another article reminding people that websites don't need to look the same in all browsers. I had hoped that we would be done with needing to point that out, but sadly we are not. Another vote here for not jumping through hoops and keeping fallbacks simple.
The power of progressive enhancement – No Divide – Medium
Pairing nicely with the previous article is this piece from Andy Bell on progressive enhancement.
GRID: A simple visual cheatsheet for CSS Grid Layout
A nice visual guide to grid properties. I like the little diagrams.
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Set yourself Apart
Learn with Mina Markham, Val Head, Rachel Andrew, Jen Simmons, Luke Wroblewski, Jason Grigsby, Laura Martini, Derek Featherstone, Dave Rupert, GerryMcGovern, Eric Meyer, Jeffrey Zeldman, and 300 of your smartest peers … during 3 glorious days of design, code, and content.
An Event Apart Chicago is two days of sessions from 12 speakers, with an intense focus on inclusive design, usability, CSS Grid, product design and more. Following the two-day conference comes a full-day session—Top Tasks: Helping You Deliver a Better User Experience—led by internationally recognized UX/CX expert Gerry McGovern.
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