Issue 167
Flexbox, Grid, Shapes, and button styling.
Issue 167
I am at An Event Apart today, and An Event Apart are also the sponsor of the newsletter this week. Big thanks to them. Yesterday I gave my presentation Graduating to Grid for the last time. In the email this week we have Flexbox, Grid, Shapes and button styling.
Rachel Andrew, CSS Layout News
Use Cases For Flexbox — Smashing Magazine
In the final article in my Flexbox series for Smashing Magazine, I think about the use cases for Flexbox over other layout methods.
Creating horizontal scrolling containers the right way [CSS Grid]
Using CSS Grid to create sideways scrolling containers.
Unbuttoning Buttons |
An interesting breakdown of the difficulties of styling the button element.
An Event Apart News: “Graduating to Grid” by Rachel Andrew—An Event Apart Denver 2017
I presented my Graduating to Grid talk for the last time here in Orlando. For schedule reasons this talk will be filmed twice, the first time was the very first time that I gave it in Denver at the end of 2017. You can watch that version here.
The Way We Talk About CSS
On my way between FITC Web Unleashed in Toronto and An Event Apart in Orlando I had some thoughts about the way people talk about CSS, so I put them on my blog.
The Shapes of CSS | CSS-Tricks
Fun article listing a whole stack of shapes you can make using pseudo-elements. I then had fun playing around with these shapes and the CSS Shapes spec.
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