Issue 176
CSS Scroll Snap, CSSOM, Flow and Rhythm with CSS Custom Properties, lazy loading
Issue 176
I am in San Francisco at An Event Apart, I gave my new An Event Apart talk for the first time yesterday, which was also the last talk of 2018 for me. Tripit tells me I have travelled over 264,000 km this year, to 15 countries and 45 cities. So I think it is time for a little break from travel before it all starts up again in 2019!
Lots of interesting things this week, the various web advent calendar projects are also providing plenty of reading material.
Rachel Andrew, CSS Layout News
Making Things Better: Redefining the Technical Possibilities of CSS
The slides from my new An Event Apart talk, which turned out to be mostly a talk about overflow, and how managing overflow is where we might find a solution to some of the design problems we haven't yet solved in CSS.
Managing Flow and Rhythm with CSS Custom Properties ◆ 24 ways
How to use CSS Custom Properties to help create a consistent vertical rhythm.
A CSS Venn Diagram | Adrian Roselli
Adrian Roselli makes a venn diagram with Grid, Shapes and Feature Queries and writes the whole process up.
An Introduction and Guide to the CSS Object Model (CSSOM) | CSS-Tricks
Lots of examples for the important features of the CSS Object Model.
CSS Scroll Snap | MDN
As part of the work I've been doing over at MDN, I documented Scroll Snap. The spec also featured in my talk at An Event Apart.
Accessible SVG Icons with Inline Sprites - 24 Accessibility
A nice article about making SVG icons accessible over on 24 Accessibility.
Preventing Content Reflow From Lazy-Loaded Images | CSS-Tricks
Various ways to prevent your lazy-loaded images causing content reflow.
CodePen - Sliding Puzzle Game - Animated CSS Grid
A Christmas sliding puzzle which uses CSS Grid.
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