Issue 182
Houdini, the dangers of styling forms, how well do you know CSS layout?
Issue 182
Hello, another Tuesday is upon us and so a new edition of CSS Layout News. Last Friday I was in London running an in-house workshop for developers at Monzo Bank. It is always good fun to spend a day sharing what's in my head about CSS with folk.
If you would like to join me in one of my public workshops, I already have a few booked in for this year. Dates coming up are:
- March 8th: Rustbelt Refresh in Cleveland
- April 15th: Smashing Conference San Francisco
- May 16th: Frontend United in Utrecht, The Netherlands
Rachel Andrew, CSS Layout News
Your CSS Layout Toolkit for 2019
A video of my talk from FITC in Toronto last year. The slides and code for that talk can be found here.
Building Better Forms™ by not taking away affordances –
A good post showing how we can cause problems for our users as we seek to make our forms more attractive.
HTML5 Input Types: Where Are They Now? — Smashing Magazine
Another article about forms, and not really about layout, but form elements are certainly one of the trickier things for us to deal with when trying to creative consistent experiences cross platform. This post looks at the various complex form element types, and how usable they are.
New horizons in CSS: Houdini and the Paint API – LogRocket
A nice walkthrough of the Houdini Paint API from Una Kravets.
How Well Do You Know CSS Layout? | CSS-Tricks
Some interesting questions here, which link to good resources. I kind of wish that the article had explained why (based on the spec) some of these things are so. I feel as if a lot of the belief in CSS flakiness and weirdness is because taking individually these things seem quirky and odd. If you actually look into the reasons, there is logic there.
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