Issue 185
How Browsers Provide Everything Users Need
Issue 185
At the end of last week I was in Amsterdam for the first of a series of meetups and workshops I'll be doing for Fronteers as part of my role as their representative at the W3C. For the workshop part I led a spec reading workshop on the Multicol spec, the spec I'm co-editor of. It was incredibly useful, I've already made some fixes to small issues that were spotted and will be raising issues over on GitHub for things that need wider discussion by the working group, or at least between me and my co-editor. There is a report here of this first visit.
This was my first trip of 2019, and I am now looking forward to the things lined up over the next few months. As with every year, I claimed at the end of last year I was not going to create ridiculous schedules for myself. Here we are in February with me working out what time I expect to have finished a triathlon to make sure I have time to make a flight to get to an event afterwards.
This week the email is sponsored by An Event Apart, my next conference speaking engagement is at An Event Apart Seattle. Thanks to them for their continued support of this newsletter.
There is a reasonable amount of design-related stuff this week, rather than just the purely technical. I hope that some or all of it is useful!
Rachel Andrew, CSS Layout News
Paint the Picture, Not the Frame: How Browsers Provide Everything Users Need · An A List Apart Article
An excellent article arguing the case for letting the browser do its thing, rather than trying to customize or control browser functionality.
Slides: What's New In CSS?
The slides and code for my talk at the Fronteers meetup in Amsterdam last week.
Where Do You Nest Your Sass Breakpoints? | CSS-Tricks
Chris shows the technique he uses and asks how other people do this. Check out the comments for more.
Proper UI hierarchy · accessible
An article showing how to improve a button design by moving away from a "flat" design look. The article also makes the point that,
"By stripping away the visual cues that help users distinguish between interface elements you are purposely making a worse experience for them."
Exclusive Design
Research based on the question:
"What if we design websites exclusively for people with disabilities?"
Best of UX Design Case Studies 2018
This site rounds up some of the best design case studies written in 2018. Some interesting stuff to browse through here.
CSS { In Real Life } | My CSS Grid Wishlist
A wishlist for Grid features, most of which have issues raised already if they happen to be features you are interested in too:
- Styling Grid Gaps and Gutters and Decorative Grid Cell Pseudo-elements
- Multiple sizes for gaps
- Spanning multiple rows/columns based on content, not quite the same, but this issue is perhaps also related
- Masonry
- Aspect ratio
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