Issue 2
Update to the Grid Layout working draft this week plus more tutorials and links
Issue 2
Thank you for reading CSS Layout News. If you enjoy this collection of links, articles and news please tell your friends and colleagues.
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CSS Layout News
Updated Working Draft of CSS Grid Layout Module Level 1
The Working Draft of CSS Grid Layout has been updated. This includes the new row-gap and column-gap features I describe in my post - Solving the Gutter Problem.
CSS WG Blog – CSS Grid Layout Update, Request for Comments
On the CSS Working Group Blog a Request for Comments on this latest Working Draft:
"We hope to close the remaining issues over the next month and prepare to issue a Candidate Recommendation this fall, so please review the draft and the issues and send feedback! We want to make everyone happy, but that won’t happen if you complain after we’re done and everyone’s already shipped their implementations and you only bother to tell us you don’t like something two years later, yeah? So review now, and complain sooner rather than later." - fantasai
Surfin' Safari - Blog Archive » Introducing Backdrop Filters
Backdrop Filters are currently in the Editor’s Draft of the CSS Filters Level 2 specification, and allow you to create blurred background effects. Take a look in this blog post.
Flexbox Spec Workshop | Think Brownstone
If you are in Philadelphia, are at an advanced level with CSS and want to contribute to the flexbox specification take a look at this workshop with Fantasai.
Flexbox Tutorial
A free email course on Flexbox with video tutorials and more.
Grid by Example
With lots of Grid news this week, a link to my own project Grid by Example. This is my collection of small examples of CSS Grid Layout and larger worked layouts.
Back to Basics - Learn CSS Layout
While much of this email will be dedicated to the latest and greatest layout techniques, there is much to be said for making sure you also know the basics. If you think you might need a refresher, or know someone just getting started here's a guide.
Designing for Performance by Lara Callender Hogan
Lara has made this book available free of charge in HTML format. While not specifically about layout, this is a great reference for anyone building webpages. It's important that while we consider how to achieve the layout we want, with support for the browsers we need to support, we also think about performance.
Responsive Design Weekly
Another email newsletter to check out is Responsive Design Weekly. I always find something of interest in this email.
A community curated list of flexbox bugs and workarounds.
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