Issue 201
Lots of interesting grid things, and I worry about content order and accessibility.
Issue 201
When this goes out, I'll be at the CSS Working Group meeting in Toronto, for three days of thinking about CSS. I started to write an intro, with my concerns about some of the really interesting things that I am seeing people doing with grid. It became a post in itself so I posted to my blog, and it is linked below. However, I feel that we are increasingly seeing things which are great ideas, but need to be used with a lot of testing and caution. Some of the things I've included today fall into that group.
Rachel Andrew, CSS Layout News
Grid, content re-ordering and accessibility
This is the post I mentioned in my intro, please keep this issue in mind when using any interesting technique or tool that has the potential to reorder content.
The State of Fluid Web Typography | Better Web Type
A nice post about fluid and responsive typography.
Hello subgrid!
I can't wait for the video to come out of all the talks at CSSConf EU, it really was an amazing event. Congratulations to whole team. Here are my slides for my talk, Hello, subgrid.
Wrapping long words with CSS or HTML – Chris Cid ∣ CJCid
A nice article about dealing with long words in your UI, something we have often encountered working on Perch, as the UI can be translated into any language.
Using the Grid Shepherd Technique to Order Data with CSS | CSS-Tricks
So this is a neat technique. I'm glad there is a note with regard to the potential accessibility issues with regard to this type of thing.
4 reasons your z-index isn’t working (and how to fix it) — Coder Coder
An article explaining why your z-index
isn't working - with the help of some cats.
CSS Grid Generator
A nice tool created by Sarah Drasner. I don't want my doom and gloom with regards to a11y to take away from how neat this is, and how it may help people to learn from the patterns they create.
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