Issue 208
A new section of the email, fun with z-index, the min() function, multicol
Issue 208
It seemed to be something of a quieter week this week for interesting things to add to the newsletter, so I thought I would try an idea I've had for a little while. This is a section where I round up a few links - that I may have featured before in my 200+ issues - on a theme. In the last week I've seen some grumbling online about old browsers. Therefore my first in depth section, is a few pieces I've written and a video from Jen Simmons on the subject of browser support and CSS, in particular for Grid. If this seems to be something people like I might add one of these sections every so often, perhaps based on things I see people asking about a lot at the time.
I have a couple of upcoming Layout workshops which have tickets available - Amsterdam on October 2nd and New York on October 17th. I don't do that many of these, so if you fancy spending a day learning layout with me, I'd love to see you.
Thanks to my sponsor for this week - Clarity, a design systems community conference. See the details at the end of this email and please do check that out, and support the sponsors who are helping me to continue with this weekly roundup of layout news!
Rachel Andrew, CSS Layout News
Multi-column manipulation: Every Layout
It is always nice to see someone else writing about multicol! As I work to get the Level 1 specification into shape, we've pondered the idea of allowing for overflow in the block dimension. Heydon adds his thoughts to the mix.
Intrinsically Responsive CSS Grid with minmax() and min()
A look into a problem that can be solved by using the minmax()
and min()
functions. If you've not heard of min()
, max()
, and clamp()
before, you'll find this interesting.
Multi-Line Truncation with Pure CSS | CSS-Tricks
A quick tip showing how to achieve multi-line truncation with CSS.
In depth
A Guide To CSS Support In Browsers — Smashing Magazine
First in my round-up of material about browser support for new layout is this post from earlier this year. In it I explain the different types of support issue, and explain some of the ways to deal with them.
Using CSS Grid: Supporting Browsers Without Grid — Smashing Magazine
Specifically for Grid Layout, here are some suggestions as to how you can support browsers that don't have support for Grid.
Layout Land: Internet Explorer + CSS Grid???? - YouTube
A video from Jen Simmons and her Layout Land series. How can we use Grid when Internet Explorer still exists?
Should I try to use the IE version of Grid Layout? Revisited for 2018
My thoughts on why you probably don't want to try using the -ms
prefixed version of Grid Layout, which is what you get if you use Autoprefixer.
Index Fun
This is fun. FInding out what people use for z-index
Our Sponsor

Clarity 2019: A Design Systems Community Conference
Clarity is a design systems conference focused on how we work together. We provide tools and standards to scale across an increasing number of devices, platforms, and products. But real success comes when people align around a shared vision and language. Diverse perspectives for design, development, and product unite so more people can be a part of the conversation. At Clarity, we elevate our skills through multi-faceted inclusion, empathy, technology, creativity, and collaboration.
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