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Issue 209

Smooth scrolling, flexbox padding, and a sort of Pac-Man

Rachel Andrew
2 min read


Issue 209

This issue comes to you from a hotel room in Arlington, over the river from Washington DC. I'm here for An Event Apart. Yesterday I gave my talk and also took part in the Web We Want Panel. The panel was great fun, there were some excellent ideas for new platform features submitted. It was great fun being a "judge"! Look out for the panel showing up at other conferences over the next few months.

I have sponsorship slots available in this newsletter! It takes up a fair bit of time, and costs real cash money to send to over 10,000 people. If you or your company would like to advertise something relevant (a conference, product, or a job opportunity) then you could do that plus help support this weekly roundup and the other work I do on the web platform. Take a look.

Rachel Andrew, CSS Layout News

MDN’s First Annual Web Developer & Designer Survey - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

Web developers and designers, we need to hear from you! This is your opportunity to tell us about your needs and frustrations with the web. In fact, your participation will influence how browser vendors like Mozilla, Google, Microsoft, and Samsung prioritize feature development.

Take the web designer and developer survey, and help prioritize web features.

What's New In DevTools (Chrome 77)  |  Web  |  Google Developers

Chrome DevTools now have a way to detect layout shifting, among some other new features.


I Used The Web For A Day On A 50 MB Budget — Smashing Magazine

Chris uses the web on a 50 MB budget, and sees how far his limited data takes him. Along the way he shares a lot of performance tips.

When to use img, img@srcset, and picture and source · Jens Oliver Meiert

A method to decide which method of embedding images you should choose.

Making Things Better: Redefining the Technical Possibilities of CSS

My slides, code and resources from my presentation at An Event Apart yesterday.

Smooth Scrolling Image Effects | Codrops

Some really interesting smooth scrolling demos which use grid for the layout.

Flexbox and padding

If you have tried to apply padding to a flex container with an horizontal overflow behaviour of scroll, you might notice that the padding is not applied to the flex end side of your container.

Some workarounds for this behaviour.


CSS Grid: Pac-Man (Kind of)

Another fun demo by Olivia, who is just so so good at this.

Gradient Magic

Need a fancy gradient background? Take your pick from these.

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Share your slides, code and feedback with your own speaker portfolio

Whether you speak occasionally at local meet up groups, or frequently take the stage at big design conferences, Notist is the place to build your public speaking portfolio.

You can share your slides, but also promote upcoming events, add video, pull in tweets, and build up lists of links and resources for attendees to reference to. Over time you can build up a solid resource of all your speaking engagements.

If you ever hook up to a projector, you should get hooked up with Notist.
