Issue 220


Issue 220

I'm writing this intro sat at SmashingConf, I'll be doing my last layout workshop of the year here on Thursday. Look out for some announcements soon of the dates for my all-new workshops next year. As I plan 2020, let me know if you would like a CSS layout workshop at your event or in-house at your company, I can tailor these for your needs - make them more advanced or suitable for beginners, aimed more at a developer or designer audience.

Enjoy the rather broad range of topics this week!

Rachel Andrew, CSS Layout News

CSS Multiple-column Layout Level 1 updated Working Draft

I published a new Working Draft of the CSS Multiple-column Layout specification. There are quite a lot of changes to the draft, including a number of editorial changes to - hopefully - make it a bit more readable. I'd love issues raised against the draft, as we try and clarify any outstanding problems.


Who Designed This? Where Web Platform features come from, and how to get involved

The video for my talk at Fronteers is now available, I've added it to my Notist page for the event along with my slides and resources.

Avoid 100vh On Mobile Web |

Something I wasn't really aware of, but which came up in a CSS issue this week, is this problem of using 100vh on mobile.

CSS Circles - Cloud Four

How to make circles with CSS.

A Guide To New And Experimental CSS DevTools In Firefox — Smashing Magazine

Here is a great guide to the new tools in Firefox to make working with CSS easier.


Smashing / Web We Want Video Pitch | Adrian Roselli

I ended up a last minute judge on the Web We Want panel here at SmashingConf, and Adrian's pitch was the top pick by both audience and judges. This issue of content re-ordering is something I have been talking about for some years now, so anything browser DevTools can do to help would be excellent. I think this would be a great teaching tool as well, that I could use in workshops when teaching layout.

The W3C At Twenty-Five — Smashing Magazine

The W3C was 25 this month, I wrote up a piece explaining a little about how the W3C works, and also sharing my #WebStory.

Accessibility Support

Run some tests or see which things are supported by different assistive tech. From the about page:

This is a community driven website that aims to help inform developers about what is accessibility supported. In order to conform to WCAG 2.0, you must write code in ways that are supported by assistive technologies (such as screen readers).
Our goal is not to tell you what you can or can not use, but to help you make informed decisions. For example, you may be able to use unsupported features in a way that does not negatively affect AT interaction.

The World-Wide Work. — Ethan Marcotte

After all, it’s our design thinking, our engineering, our planning, our work that’s made the Web what it is today. Collectively, we have quite literally designed and built some of these systems. When we work together—when we move together, what’s to stop us from redesigning these systems?

This is a wonderful piece, based on Ethan's talk of the same name. It's not about layout, but it is about what we all do, and I encourage you to read it.