Issue 225
Design Tokens, whats's new in web styling? Expanding panels, and matching grid layouts to mockups.
Issue 225
It's cold and frosty here in the UK, I'm heading to Vienna at the end of the week for the Web Clerks conference, which I'm really looking forward to. It will also allow me to escape from the mountain of boxes that my house is becoming as I'm moving house at the beginning of December. I definitely prefer CSS boxes to moving boxes!
I have a new sponsor this week - thank you Springboard! I've just scheduled the newsletters through till March, and it would be great to get some more sponsors on board. If you would like to get your product or service in front of over 10,000 folk who like CSS, then take a look. You'll be helping me continue to research and send out this email each week.
Rachel Andrew, CSS Layout News
Smashing Podcast Episode 3 With Jina Anne: What Are Design Tokens? — Smashing Magazine
In this episode of the Smashing Podcast Jina Anne talks about Design Tokens and how they are used with an existing Design System.
Some CSS Grid Strategies for Matching Design Mockups | CSS-Tricks
I like seeing these articles that come from people trying to figure out how to use new layout methods in their own workflows.
Next-generation web styling (Chrome Dev Summit 2019) - YouTube
Chrome Dev Summit was last week, I was sad not to go this year but I have already done so much travel and I'm about to move house - so trying to put my life into boxes won out over SF! However all the video is now available, such as this one on new web styling features.
Avoiding jagged edges on gradients. - Pixel and Ink - Medium
Mandy Michael shows us how to avoid jagged edges on gradients.
Get More For Less With Variable Fonts - Cloud Four
If you haven't looked into Variable Fonts as yet, this straightforward intro will get you started.
Make Your Own Expanding And Contracting Content Panels — Smashing Magazine
Creating a simple, animated opening and closing panel or drawer.
Teaching CSS | CSS-Tricks
"Over the last few years, we've been handed all of these new tools, Flexbox and Grid give us a layout system designed for CSS. Perhaps less obviously, however, a set of concepts are emerging that give us a real way to explain CSS layout for the first time."
I wrote some words on Teaching CSS for CSS Tricks.
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