Issue 228
Writing Modes is a Recommendation. Plus depth in design, scrolling, responsive image breakpoints.
Issue 228
It's my last trip of 2019, and I'm in San Francisco for An Event Apart - who are also very kindly sponsoring the email this week.
While here I stopped by the East Bay WordPress meetup and did a talk for them on Sunday. It was a bit of a flying visit before my tech check at An Event Apart but I like to try and fit in meetups and community things while trekking round the globe, so I was so glad to make it there.
I start the long journey home tomorrow, and probably ought to consider Christmas shopping. With moving house and conferencing I'm not really thought about it!
Rachel Andrew, CSS Layout News
Smashing TV — Webinars and Live Sessions — Smashing Magazine
If you are quick, I'm doing a webinar today - building a layout live. It will be recorded, but if you want to hop on the live stream the details are here.
CSS Writing Modes Level 3
The CSS Writing Modes specification became a W3C Recommendation today. Congratulations to the editors and everyone who has contributed to this spec.
Z’s Still Not Dead Baby, Z’s Still Not Dead ◆ 24 ways
Andy Clarke looks at a move away from flat design with an article showing how to add depth to your designs with CSS.
Now You See It: Understanding Display
The slides, code, and resources from my new An Event Apart talk. I presented this for the first time here in San Francisco.
Beautiful Scrolling Experiences – Without Libraries ◆ 24 ways
An article about scrolling behavior, covering Scroll Snap, Intersection Observer, and position: sticky
Who Can Use
This site takes a color combination and explains who can use it, based on different vision types. Interesting, and very useful as an additional tool to simply following contrast guidelines.
Responsive Image Breakpoints Generator by Cloudinary
This seems quite useful. Generate your optimal responsive image sizes.
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