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Issue 236

A focus on Flexbox

Rachel Andrew
1 min read


Issue 236

It's been a bit of a quiet week for new layout-related things. Though that might have been due to me being busy writing two different talks. The things I link to here are the things I've read myself, no time for reading makes it harder to fill the email.

With few articles to share I have done a little in-depth series from my archives focusing on Flexbox. Hopfully next week will be slightly less hectic and I'll have found some new things to share.

Rachel Andrew, CSS Layout News


Transitioning Hidden Elements - Cloud Four

A nice walkthrough plus a handy package if you need to do the same yourself.

In depth

What Happens When You Create A Flexbox Flex Container? — Smashing Magazine

In this first article in the series I look at what happens when you say display: flex.

Everything You Need To Know About Alignment In Flexbox — Smashing Magazine

Once you have flex items, you might want to align them. This article explains everything you need to know.

Flexbox: How Big Is That Flexible Box? — Smashing Magazine

Sizing often trips people up in flexbox, with boxes ending up a different size to what you might expect. This article explains what happens.

Use Cases For Flexbox — Smashing Magazine

I am often asked what the usecases are for flexbox now that we have grid. I outlined some of the places where flexbox shines, and gave some advice on how to choose in this article.


The design systems we swim in. — Ethan Marcotte

"Does the system you work with allow you to control the process of your work, to make situational decisions? Or is it simply a set of rules you have to follow?"

Old CSS, new CSS / fuzzy notepad

"Sadly, that’s all gone now — paved over by homogenous timelines where anything that wasn’t made this week is old news and long forgotten. The web was supposed to make information eternal, but instead, so much of it became ephemeral. I miss when virtually everyone I knew had their own website. Having a Twitter and an Instagram as your entire online presence is a poor substitute."

There is much to like in this epic history of CSS, from someone who must have begun around the same time I did. Though I wasn't 11 at the time.
