Issue 241
Variable fonts, image height and width, CSS4, ethical and cross-cultural design.
Issue 241
An eclectic collection of links this week and, not all completely about CSS Layout. However these are the things I've found particularly interesting over the past few days.
Thanks to An Event Apart for their sponsorship of the newsletter this week. They have been a long term supporter of CSS Layout News and it's great to have them back. I'll be speaking at all of the events this year, and hope to see some of you there.
Rachel Andrew, CSS Layout News
Why Are We Talking About CSS4? — Smashing Magazine
Around the web and within the CSS Working Group, there has been some discussion about whether we should specify a version of CSS — perhaps naming it CSS4. I dug through the large number of comments on the issue, and put forward some pros and cons.
Four First Public Working Drafts published by the CSS Working Group | W3C News
In this set of new First Public Working Drafts we have Media Queries Level 5, and Conditional Rules Level 4.
Make Honest Design Work For Digital Business, With “Ethical Design Handbook” — Smashing Magazine
When I'm not poking around at CSS, I'm Editor in Chief at Smashing Magazine, and we've released today our Ethical Design Handbook, I received a copy in the post today and it really is a lovely book to have on your shelf. More importantly it will help you to design in a way that keeps ethics at the center of what you do.
Piccalilli - Dang Spicy Tutorials - Piccalilli
Andy Bell has relaunched his Piccalilli site with a lovely design and lots of tutorials and courses.
Setting Height And Width On Images Is Important Again — Smashing Magazine
Why you should go back to adding height and width attributes to your image elements.
Unfortunately, clip-path: path() is Still a No-Go | CSS-Tricks
Ana Tudor explains the limitations of clip-path: path()
Cross-Cultural Design – A List Apart
This excerpt from the book Cross Cultural Design, on typography, is well worth your time.
A Variable Fonts Primer
This site is a really fantastic primer on variable fonts.
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AEA’s stage is where Ethan Marcotte introduced responsive web design. Where Luke Wroblewski introduced “mobile-first” thinking. And where Kristina Halvorson introduced our community to the concept, importance, and practice of content strategy.
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