Issue 248
Announcing my new layout courses, gap properties for flexbox, responsive type, dark mode toggles.

Issue 248
I've been working away on a complete rewrite and re-record of my popular CSS Layout courses. Since launching over 3 years ago I had made small updates to the material, but I felt it was time to give it a real go over. At the same time moving the courses over to a new platform on Teachable. Also, all of the videos will have captions, something I am really happy to be providing this time round.
I'm in a prelaunch mode in that two of the courses (Grid and Browser Compat) are now live, the rest I will be getting ready over the next few weeks. If you want to get all the lessons as soon as they are available, sign up for the full course here, and use the code EARLYBIRD for a discount as thanks for coming on board early!
Rachel Andrew, CSS Layout News
The gap properties for flexbox are now in Chrome Canary
Test it out ...hopefully it won't be too long before they are in Chrome proper.
Web Typography News #43: Typesetting Moby-Dick, part 2
In this issue of Web Typography News is a really excellent write-up of making type responsive, and much more. I very much recommend subscribing.
Your dark mode toggle is broken | Kilian Valkhof
There seems to be articles about dark mode most weeks, I thought this was a useful bit of thinking around how to create a toggle between your schemes.
Re-creating a Macintosh with gradients and box-shadows - Sarah L. Fossheim
When we see these clever "made with CSS" demos, often what is missing is how it was done, so I appreciate this walkthrough explaining the detail.
No Style Design System
A design system housing all the components and patterns from the book, Form Design Patterns by Adam Silver.
Responsive CSS Grid - Books
This is such a lovely demo. Link found in Andy Bell's excellent Piccalilli Newsletter.
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