Issue 252
Responsive Web Design is 10, Chrome 83, Box sizing Level 4, the CSS content property.
Issue 252
We are all still at home, so what's new? Quite a lot it seems, I guess many of us are starting to adjust to whatever this new normal is. Over at Smashing Magazine I've been getting more pitches and completed articles than usual, so some folk are certainly using the time to do more writing.
Last week I uploaded the Flexbox lessons for my CSS Layout Course, the earlybird discount for the complete course is still ongoing while I finish preparing the final sets of lessons. I could do with a few rainy days, recording tutorials while the entire neighborhood seems to be using a hedge trimmer is not easy!
Until next week, stay safe,
Rachel Andrew, CSS Layout News
Responsive web design turns ten. — Ethan Marcotte
Responsive Web Design has been "a thing" for 10 years. In this lovely post Ethan explains how the idea came about, and also credits the other people who helped to bring it into being.
CSS Box Sizing Module Level 4
A First Public Working Draft of Box Sizing Level 4 has been published. This contains the spec for the aspect-ratio
property, new sizing values, and the contain-intrinsic-size
New in Chrome 83 | Web | Google Developers
Chrome 83, which is now the stable version, includes some things of interest. Updates to form controls, feature detection of CSS selectors with @supports
, the prefers-color-scheme
media query. There is also a vision deficiency emulator in DevTools, see this post for details.
Here’s what I didn’t know about “content” - Manuel Matuzović
A collection of things that Manuel discovered by looking into the content
HTMHell - #20 HTMHell special: close buttons
A collection of 10 different terrible ways to create a close button.
Responsive Web Design Basics
I am currently doing some work for the Google blog, so you can expect to see a few things from me over there. Last week this update to an existing piece on Responsive Web Design Basics went live.
Inspired Design Decisions With Max Huber: Turning Mundane Subjects Into Exciting Visual Communication — Smashing Magazine
In this ninth issue of Inspired Design Decisions, Andy Clarke will explain how studying the work of Max Huber — one of the less well known but most distinguished Swiss designers — will teach you how to turn mundane subjects into exciting visual communication.
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Earlybird pricing! Learn CSS layout with me
I've been completely rewriting and re-recording my CSS Layout course. You can learn Grid, Flexbox, browser support and much more by coding along with me in these lessons.
The first lessons are now online and if you sign up for the complete course with code EARLYBIRD, you will get a $40 discount and be first to see all of the new material as soon as it goes online.
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