Issue 297
Horizontal rules, SVG grids, or build your own web browser
Issue 297
I hope those of you who celebrate (the Western church) Easter, had a good weekend. It's a four day weekend here, although like many freelancers I worked most of the holiday days. I did get to spend Easter Monday working on some content about the new container queries spec for MDN though. Hopefully I'll get that finished this week.
With Easter over I'm looking forward to the upcoming An Event Apart Spring Summit. I miss meeting up with the AEA crew in person so much, but the line-up for the Spring Summit is fantastic and I know everyone has put a lot of time and thought into their presentations. Take a look at the details in the footer of this email, and I hope to see you there.
Rachel Andrew, CSS Layout News
Not Your Typical Horizontal Rules
This is a lovely article about the humble <hr>
element, why you should consider using it, and how to make them look nice while retaining their semantics.
Swipey image grids.
This is a really great article on creating image grids not with CSS Grid, but instead with SVG.
Let’s Create an Image Pop-Out Effect With SVG Clip Path | CSS-Tricks
I'm a big fan of articles that riff of another article or demo, adding value in the process. Here, a demo I linked to previously is used as the jumping off point for an alternative approach.
Laying Out Pages | Web Browser Engineering
This book project is fascinating. I've linked to the new chapter on layout, as it was published this week and topical for this newsletter. However, I am looking forward to reading the rest of the book and the upcoming chapters.
Sticky Headers: 5 Ways to Make Them Better
A good look into the usability of sticky headers.
Persistent headers can be useful to users if they are unobtrusive, high-contrast, minimally animated, and fit user needs.
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An Event Apart Online Together: Spring Summit features essential sessions with Derek Featherstone, Senongo Akpem, Sharon Steed, Melanie Richards, and David Dylan Thomas to help you get started. Join us online April 19–21.
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