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Issue 64

Quantity Queries, hiding content responsibly, updates on CSS Grid Layout in Blink, and Mozilla Intent to Implement shape-outside

Rachel Andrew
2 min read


Issue 64

I'm at CSS Dev Conf in San Antonio this week. I opened the conference with a talk that covered a bit of the history of CSS, as it has applied to me anyway. I also talked about how really learning the basic fundamentals of the web can give us a foundation from which to learn new things but also to contribute to the web and teach others. The slides are here, although I'm not sure how useful they are as a standalone thing.

I have a new sponsor this week - thank you Bytemark hosting!

Rachel Andrew, CSS Layout News

Grid Layout Summertime - Rego's Everyday Life

An update on the various CSS Grid Layout features Igalia have been implementing in Blink and WebKit. I like these updates, for me one of the most enjoyable parts of following and documenting the development of CSS Grid Layout is how much I have learned about how things get into browsers.

Intent to implement: CSS shape-outside property - Google Groups

Firefox "Intent to Implement" the shape-outside property, which would bring CSS Shapes to Firefox. Excellent news!


Quantity queries and Flexbox part 2 | Charlotte Jackson, Front-end developer

Charlotte Jackson writes a part two to her Flexbox and Quantity Queries article.

Using CSS Mod Queries with Range Selectors · An A List Apart Article

A nice walk-through of how Patrick Clancey solved a user interface issue with CSS Mod Queries.

CSS Hide-and-Seek

An updated technique for visually hiding text while keeping it accessible, including notes about how to use this responsibly if you need to use it.


The Web Platform Podcast : 109 CSS Performance and Maintenance

I really enjoyed this episode of the Web Platform Podcast with Harry Roberts.Lots of stuff about working with large teams, and also the future of layout.

SVG & media queries -

Jake investigates the interoperability issues that arise when using media queries to add responsiveness to SVG images.

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