Issue 321
Chrome 94, more CSS Paint API, gaps, focus outlines, and cascade layers.
Welcome to another issue of CSS Layout News. My own layout news is that last week the CSSWG resolved that CSS Multi-column Layout could transition to Candidate Recommendation (CR) status. This is the specification I edit, and I'm very happy to see it move on. I need to spend some more time doing some test suite wrangling, in order that it can eventually become a Recommendation.
Other than that I'm preparing to start my new role at Google, trying not to leave a mass of unclosed issues and PRs from other things in my wake! I've been documenting WebCodecs recently on MDN, if you are interested in web audio and video, this API landed in Chrome 94 and is worth checking out. Also, see the article on VideoNG over on the Chrome Developers blog.
Rachel Andrew
What's New in Chrome DevTools 95
New CSS length tools among other improvements.
Chrome 94
The latest version of Chrome has arrived, it includes the scrollbar-gutter property, for reserving space for scrollbars that may appear. This prevents layout shifts due to the appearance of a scrollbar.
Inclusive Design 24
Kicking off in a few hours, I'll be guest hosting the early morning (in the UK) spot tomorrow. Pop in for lots of inclusive design content, all free and no sign up required.
Exploring the CSS Paint API: Polygon Border
Another in this excellent series of articles on the Paint API.
CSS Cascade Layers
I was adding docs for @layer
this week over at MDN, and this article was a useful resource in addition to the spec.
Minding the "gap"
An article covering the gap
property, in the various supported layout methods.
Default focus outlines: Don't Remove Them!
An audio discussion, with transcript, on why focus outlines are important.
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