Issue 328

I'm going to be speaking at DevFest North America next weekend, virtually from my garden office in Bristol. Registration is here, and there is a really great line-up of speakers.

I believe there are also still spaces for my Chrome Dev Summit CSS workshop this coming Wednesday, request an invite here.

I'm keeping everything crossed for in-person events in 2022. Doing State of the Browser reminded me how much I miss the conversations at a conference. Until then, however, Zoom while fending off cats will have to do!

Rachel Andrew


Let's talk about Native HTML Tabs

An update from the team figuring out how to get a tabs component into HTML.

Breakout sessions from TPAC2021

Breakout sessions are proposed by attendees of W3C TPAC, and you will find things covering a wide range of web-related subjects. The links include minutes and videos.


Using Bottom Tab Bars on Safari iOS 15

Information on designing for the tab bar in Safari iOS 15, including how to use the CSS env() function.


Women in Type

Explore this fascinating research project on the role of women in typography.