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Issue 164

Sizing in flexbox, box alignment, Grid layout percentages.

Issue 163

Difficult data, CSS Houdini, font loading, position: sticky, and more browser news.

Issue 162

Firefox ships CSS Shapes and the Shape Path Editor, Grid, Inclusive design, Carousels.

Issue 161

Gutters for Flexbox, container queries, Blink LazyLoad, and clip-path

Issue 160

Logical Properties and Values, Scroll Snapping and Bouncing.

Issue 159

Alignment in Flexbox, progressive enhancement, browser painting.

Issue 158

New CSS features for Chrome 69, new WD of Grid Level 2, Flexbox, designing browser DevTools

Issue 157

CSS Exclusions, Logical Styling and Sizes.

Issue 156

Browser Grid updates, typesetting, web components, WebP, and the fr unit

Issue 155

Creating standards, CSS Grid, and old browsers.