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Issue 64

Quantity Queries, hiding content responsibly, updates on CSS Grid Layout in Blink, and Mozilla Intent to Implement shape-outside

Issue 63

CSS Grid and subgrid, feature queries, CSS Shapes, and Pattern Library adoption.

Issue 62

Grid is now at Candidate Recommendation, what does that mean. Plus responsive images, flexbox and SVG links.

Issue 61

Browser bugs, Grid to CR, Gradients and an introduction to grid systems on the web.

Issue 60

A revised Regions proposal, grid demos, layout inspiration, and media queries come to Gmail

Issue 59

View Source conference, Grid UI Patterns, vMin and vMax and more to learn from this week

Issue 58

Accessibility and new layout methods, using CSS Grid to create a hero block with better tolerance, 9-sliced SVGs

Issue 57

Extensible components, beginner flexbox and an ice cream sundae.

Issue 56

This week we have SVG, CSS Feature Queries, breadcrumb navigation and flexbox

Issue 55

A 10K Apart, zooming background images, responsive emails and progressive web apps.